Monday, November 22, 2010

BUCS - British Universities Duathlon Championships

Sunday 21st November 2010

It's been a while since my last blog update. Now I have moved to the UK to do my MSc. Exercise Physiology at Loughborough University. The last couple of months have been quite hard to adapt back to the student life and get back to the books to study, but now am finding my rhythm.

About three weeks ago I took part in the Bosworth Duathlon where I finished 9th overall. Not such a good result considering I have won that event two years ago but a good effort to find my race fitness in preparation for the Univeristies Duathlon Championships. I have managed to train consistentaly in the following weeks averaging 10hrs a week of training. Certainly not my usual load of training but what do you expect when you are doing a Masters??? Not easy to find the time with all the reading you have to do!!!

We left Loughborough University at 8.30am, and it took us 2.5hrs to get to destination. The race consisted of 2Miles run, 10Miles bike, and 2Miles Run on a racing track at Chippenham - a flat course. Our start was due at 2.15pm. Johanna, who was racing for Chester University started at 2pm. This was her first multi sport race in the UK so we were both very excited. We started the first 2Mile run at speeds I have never experienced before. I haven't raced so short for quite a while and this was a big shock to the system. I finished the first run in 11.21, not a bad time considering the limited training I have been doing. On the bike I was expecting much better then the 23.42 split I produced. Unfortunately my bike seat went down and I couldn't push the pace as I wished, but still I managed to recover a few places. I finished my last 2mile run in 11.40 for a total time of 48.22. Overall I came 36th out of 250 starters. Johanna had a very good race. She finished 35th out of 75 starters with a time of 59mins 30sec.

As the first official race of the 2010 - 2011 season it was a reasonably good results. Hopefully I will manage to log in some good hours of training to push my performance to another level.

Back soon!
