National Triathlon Championships - Malta 2/10/2011

It took me an eternity to get this blog update together. It has been quite a busy time in the last month and I had never had time to sit down and think through what to write in this blog and right now am not too sure but will have a go and try and explain what goes through my mind when I am preparing and achieving a championship.
The triathlon championship is a race I love, a race which brings out the best of me. I sometimes wish I was the same in other important races, where I always wanted to achieve more then I actually got. Somehow in October I always feel ready, even when on paper I'm not. This October turned out to be no different.
My approach to this race was one of the best I ever had in the last 6 years. Thanks to the help of Bill and Pam I had a really good September in the UK after I have been very 'politely' told to get my ass out of my room by my landlord. All year I had been dreaming of this race, and how it would feel going back after my absence in 2010. I managed to put together a good block of training, and although I did have some issues with my knee which didnt let me do the running sessions I wished to, I was feeling confident.
Race day arrived and the transition area was packed. Yes packed with 100 triathletes, Maltese, British, French and Japanese. The most exciting thing was that there were around 70 Maltese triathletes - a big record. By then I wasn't just confident, I was happy to be part of such a big event and probably a milestone for triathlon in Malta. How exciting would that be winning this event, today, with all these people? - I thought.
Swim started with a beach start. I had my best ever start, so good I thought I went the wrong way as I had opened a gap of 6m by the first 50m. I think I was really desperate to win!! :) Mark over took me after 300m into the swim, and so I was leading a pack of around 5 more swimmers with Keith, Carl, Mark Sykes and Michelle Scott on my feet. I was feeling strong, and everything was going accord to plan. I was out of the water in around 23.30 with Keith and Carl just behind1, and after a quick transition I was straight on the bike in a few seconds.

Looking at the boys results in the BSJ Sprint Triathlons I felt that this was going to be a bike race, and me playing catch up. I worked a lot on my cycling during the summer months as the times they were doing on the bike were just phenomenal. To my surprice and now I can clearly say it, from the first second on the bike I was feeling S@$t! I had not pace, no strength and it all felt a struggle. Looking back I think that changing my cycling shoe the last 2 weeks was not such a smart idea. Although I trained quite a bit with it, I didn't race so I could not realise that my saddle was 5mm lower than it should have been (the new cycling shoe is much higher then my older one). Keith, Carl and Mark Sykes were cycling really well so I had to try and hang in there and avoid getting dropped off the pace. I only kind of figured it out in the last 2 laps but by then there was not point in attacking, or doing any silly moves. I decided that it had to be a running race.

Straight into T2 and I do a beginners mistake, go past my rack position and losing important seconds. First out of transition was Carl, followed by Mark Sykes and then it was me and Keith. Keith pushed the pace and caught up with Carl in about 400m, and both were running like mad. I caught up with Mark Sykes and after a quick word I tried to push the pace hoping not to lose much to my younger competition.
Although both Keith and Carl were really running well I wasn't losing so much time, and as we were approaching the end of the first lap I was closing down. Once I closed the gap the race was once again open to any of us three. Lets face it now, many before that moment thought, 'Dermot is done!' he can't win this one! Surprise, I thought the same thing! :) The only difference to any other race in the same situation was that this was October and this was the National Championship, and dont ask me why and how but I just have that extra gear on the day. So after the turn around point I started pushing the pace and once I was in the last 3k I thought that now it was time to go for it. That was the winning move.

I must say though that it was a very hard championship race. Both Carl and Keith gave me a hell of a race, and they have both improved a lot, but maybe on the day experience was on my side and keeping cool when possibly others would have paniced made the difference. Probably after 15 years in the sport I tend to enjoy these moments rather then dreading them so it helps to keep me focused and determined.
Winning is such a great feeling, but winning a national championship is something beyond happiness. My 10th championship was such a great experience and running the last kilometer in front was emotional. Carl and Keith made it unique.
A big thank-you goes to the people who supported me, my parents, Johanna (who did a great race coming in second overall with a stress fructure in her foot), Bill & Pam for their support, and my club, Birkirkara St. Joseph. Also I would like to thank LINEBREAK for their sponsorship help during this season! Thanks Mark.
Last but not least I would like to dedicate my 10th Championship to a person who in the last 12 years worked like mad for Triathlon in Malta - Manuel, our MTA president! He's the person who introduced me to the sport, and gave me this opportunity.
Yours in Triathlon,