It all started back again this morning with a swimming session at 6am. Back to business I should say. I am sitting down in my office at 7am writing this short blog to keep you updated before I start off with my work......and there's a lot to do I'm afraid.
In the last month, after the national championships I just did running to keep moving. Now I am back to business. I have been planning a lot for next season but I had to change some targets so that I arrive fresh for Ironman France. Its not an easy course but should suit my strenghts. Will be doing the Half Marathon in February. The plan was to do the Full Marathon but I'm not sure I will recover in time to put in the hard training needed to do well in the Ironman.
Certainly my target for this winter is to improve my running and swimming, then after the Half Marathon I will shift my focus on cycling. I will need to do some good hilly workouts if I was to survive that bike course and run a good marathon. On that course I'm not after a fast time, as its out of the question, but I'm after my dream, qualifying for Hawaii.
I keep asking myself why I put myself through this punishment year in, year out. Training for an Ironman is not an easy task, and certainly the time commitment is quite heavy. The answer is probably that when I train for an Ironman I feel at home, and when I race an Ironman its like a journey. No other discipline brings out your real self.
Train safe
Yours in Sport,