Dambuster Duathlon 2011
10k run – 42 bike – 5k run
10k run – 42 bike – 5k run

I was unsure about doing this race for a number of reasons. I had never done a duathlon before, the distance was double the distance that I usually do and I had only just had an operation to take my tonsils out and had not been able to do much training.....but in the end I decided to give it a go – and I’m glad I did.
The sun was shining, the atmosphere was great and there was a real buzz about the place. I rocked up an hour and a half before my race to register and set my bike up etc but by the time I had sorted everything out, and chatted to everyone I knew....I found myself running to transition to rack my bike when everyone else was lining up on the start line. Not the best preparation for a race but at least I hadn’t missed the start!
For the first 10k I decided to hold back a bit. A lot of the girls were experienced runners and they went off hard. I knew I was still not as strong as I wanted to be after my op so I ran comfortably for the first half, then caught some girls back in the second half. The run was nice and flat, partly on paths and grass. I came back into transition after a 40:41 10k and was with a good group of girls.
In T1 I decided to have a quick gel to see me through the rest of the race. This exploded all over my face and left my hands, bike and clothes sticky. I think I need to practice taking gels without making so much mess.
Out on the bike and I had lost the girls I came in on the run with. Where they out of T1 before me? The bike was undulating. I felt like I was going well but my computer wasn’t working so it was hard to gage the speed. Although the hills on the course were tough, that was my chance to drop the others who were around me. I worked hard up the hills and tried to relax on the flat. For a long part of the bike course I was completely on my own; I couldn’t see any bikes behind or ahead for miles. When I went through a lovely village I began to think I had got lost and missed a turning, but then a little late on I saw a massive hill with loads of cyclists ahead. I worked hard to catch them and enjoyed feeling like I was in a race again amongst the mix. I finished the 42k bike in 1:22:58, I was disappointed afterwards with my bike split but I know with a bit more work in training I can bring that down.
A quick T2 and out onto the last 5k. My breathing was fine going out onto this but my legs had gone. My glutes and hamstrings were tight, I thought I was going to get cramp in my calf and I had nothing left. This was more a case of just getting round! The sun was strong and the one hundred layers I had decided to wear all of a sudden didn’t seem like such a good idea! The run was an out and back, again on path and grass. I could see a few more girls ahead of me but unfortunately couldn’t catch them. The atmosphere coming back into the finish was great; loud music, commentators, people cheering. I finished the 5k in 21:46.
All in all I was pleased with my splits and I’m looking forward to going faster. That was my first ever duathlon, but definitely not my last. Although I’m much better at triathlons I enjoyed the change of the duathlons....and it was nice to see a lake at the venue and not have to get in it! I think my result was good enough to be selected for the GB Age Group European Duathlon Championships......but I am just waiting for official confirmation.
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