The weather forecast was most promising with sunshine and clear skies and very moderate temperature for March witch gave the option of shedding the winter layers, with the added bonus of a bit of a breeze around the lake shore. The race consists of 2 and ¾ laps of the reservoir, on the tarmac surfaced service road, with well clear mile markers and timing chips. The route winds itself amongst a shady and hillier side and on long and flat exposed dam walls on the other. Ample car park and facilities also make this venue an ideal race location and if you live close by like me, a pleasant training ground.
The field comprised of 200 runners with a high ratio in the veterans category, and by 9 am the place was swarming with lycra clad people and their fans and supporters. I got there early to bag a good parking spot and to enjoy a last cup of coffee in comfort before warming up. It helps with race nerves!
My plan was to hold back a bit on the first three miles and then wind the pace up a bit hoping to get a big chunk off my current PB on this distance. The preparation this winter has gone very well. In the 3rd year of Dermot’s coaching I feel I am still improving considerably on all disciplines, but I am feeling also much fitter and less tired. I have also benefited from nutrition guidance from Johanna Calleja. Notably my recovery from training and overall health seem to have improved, little I knew my already reasonable diet could be harbouring a lack in selenium, zinc and copper (I did not know you even ate these minerals!) Plus I have to say I have managed to shed some pounds in the process witch always helps!
At the starting gun it was a very civilized affair, partially due to the timing chip that allow everybody to get their real time, so no jostling for position, and there seemed to be space for all to get under way. The first 3 miles went very well and I felt it was quite easy even on the “undulating “ part of the course. Then a few flats sections on the dam walls, with a small hill thrown in between and lap 2 was under way just short of mile 5. Up to here the average on my Garmin was of 8:38 mm
Here I have to make a confession. With me was running my Fairy Godmother, Bill (well they came in all shape and sizes…) who turned up on his bike got changed and once I named the desired finishing time took care of pacing with Swiss timing precision.
So on to lap 2 and the second trip over the ups and down was getting a bit less easy, but I felt good and my legs felt strong. I hoped I could have pushed a bit more at this stage, but somehow I did not have the breath to go with it. However I knew that I was going well as we were still averaging 8:38 mm and on course to a very good finishing time. It cheered me up some of the competitors commenting at this stage on the course description with a grumbling: “undulating my ***”.
Down on the dam walls, passing the finish line for the second time and grabbing some water, and knuckling down to a fast mile between 9-10 before facing what now seemed slightly steeper hills for the last time. All was well and from the splits it was completed 8:36 mm so not a shabby job at this late stage! The next 2 miles were a bit less fun, but I kept at it, having Bill to follow was certainly one less burden, although at one stage I felt quite a bit dizzy up one of the last inclines, but unlike my last race on this course in 2009 I did not feel that it had the best over me! ;-)
Completed mile 12 with relieve, now left a sharp downhill and a turn on to the flats for a sprint finish. Well not sure we can call 8:15 mile a sprint but my legs were going well, I was just struggling to keep on top of them. Thanks to Bill’s tips and encouragement though I managed a strong finish at 1:53:15; the most even paced race all the way through still at 8:38 mm. and placing 12th senior female.
I found the event well organized, marshalled very well especially on blind corners, enough water station and a respectable goody-bag, but of course the stunning weather adds something special to a day.
I am very happy with the result, and it is a further confirmation that the training set by Dermot is spot on as we managed to take away another 5 minutes on this distance and my legs are not that sore today, and I am looking forward to more training and racing under his direction!
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